-- card: 4525 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 4857 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2741 -- name: About -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 2007 -- rect: left=1 top=22 right=257 bottom=511 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 2 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: About -- part 2 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 2000 -- rect: left=0 top=296 right=316 bottom=22 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 1012 / 1012 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Return ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp lock screen go to next card unlock screen with visual effect iris close end mouseUp -- part 3 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A004 -- rect: left=1 top=262 right=291 bottom=511 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ĄĄĄ Read TidBITS ĄĄĄ ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp lock screen go to next card if the short name of this card is "About" then go to next card set the scroll of bg field id 2 to 0 set the scroll of bg field id 3 to 0 unlock screen with visual wipe right end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- Week of 4/16/90 -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- •••••••••• TidBITS from Penguin Things Software •••••••••• The TidBITS stack is copyright © 1990, 1991 by Adam C. Engst and Tonya Byard. Copy us freely (in non-profit, non-commercial publications—others please contact us) and credit us clearly. Cards may be added or deleted for your own use, but this stack must be distributed only in its original form, and neither this card nor the text on it may be deleted or modified. Send questions and suggestions to TidBITS at the address below. Adam C. Engst, Tonya Byard, and Penguin Things Software make no guarantee to the accuracy of articles contained within. MacWEEK™, PC WEEK™, MacUser™, MacWorld™, BYTE™, Communications Week™, and InfoWorld™ are registered trademarks of their respective companies. Product names appearing in this publication may be registered trademarks of their companies. PHILOSOPHY The principle behind TidBITS is that everyone has too many things to read and too much information to keep up with. TidBITS records, summarizes, and references interesting information concerning the computer industry in general and the state of the Macintosh specifically. Much of the information is gleaned from Usenet and from companies directly, and pointers to related articles in various magazines are included for reference purposes. An issue of TidBITS comes out early each week and summarizes news from the previous week. TidBITS is currently available for anonymous FTP at sumex-aim.stanford.edu, rascal.ics.utexas.edu, America Online, CompuServe, Genie, and from the Memory Alpha BBS in Ithaca, NY at 607-257-5822. Server sites on Bitnet are also available—send email for more information. Additional sites may be added at a later date. Ideally, each week you download the weekly TidBITS stack from your favorite on-line service (and we guarantee that it will never be larger than 40K), read the news that interests you, merge the weekly stack with your larger archive of old weekly TidBITS stacks, and then delete the small weekly stack. That way you have a single, up-to-date reference to consult when you need information. INSTRUCTIONS TidBITS was designed to be easy to read. The field on the left of each card is the Index field, and it lists article titles. Click on a title in the Index field to read that article. Alternately, the hand buttons take you to the next or previous article. The text of each article is contained in the middle large field, and the smaller field at the bottom holds appropriate references. TidBITS is an open information system. You may delete any card holding information in which you are uninterested (with the exception of this copyright/help card), and you may add any information that you would like to have in your personal archive. You may not distribute your changes, though, so if you wish to have your changes distributed, send a copy to us and we may include them in the next distribution. If you delete a card or add a new one, click the Index button to update the Index field. To merge the weekly stack with your TidBITS Archive stack, click the Merge button. It will ask if you have a TidBITS Archive stack. If this is your first time and you do not have a TidBITS Archive stack, HyperCard creates a copy of the weekly stack and asks you to name it TidBITS Archive (be exact to prevent later problems). The TidBITS Archive stack will be the same as the original one except for the name. The next time you want to merge a weekly stack, answer Yes when it asks if you have TidBITS Archive stack. HyperCard then copies the cards in the weekly stack (except for duplicates of this “About” card) to the TidBITS Archive stack. After copying, the TidBITS Archive stack is indexed to reflect the updates, and you are returned to the original stack. DETAILS TidBITS uses the fonts New York 10, Avant Garde 14, and Geneva 9, 10, and 12. Make sure you have these fonts installed for the best display on screen. If you delete this card, unpredictable things will happen. Besides, it violates the copyright agreement. CONTACT INFORMATION We have email accounts on the Internet and America Online, and we can always be reached by snail mail. Please feel free to send questions and comments to us. Internet: ace@tidbits.tcnet.ithaca.ny.us ace%tidbits.uucp@theory.tn.cornell.edu pv9y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu BITNET: pv9y@cornella CompuServe: >INTERNET:ace@tidbits.tcnet.ithaca.ny.us (or >INTERNET: plus any other Internet address above) America Online: Adam Engst Snail: Adam Engst & Tonya Byard TidBITS 901 Dryden Rd., #88 Ithaca, NY, 14850 We hope you find TidBITS enjoyable and useful. -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- About TidBITS & Copyright Reviews/24-Jun-91 MailBITS/24-Jun-91 SevenBITS/24-Jun-91 Plain Paper Color Apple Product Shifts IBM Sees Red -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- About TidBITS & Copyright